抱怨常用的句子:                                    您可以通过划词来调用在线词典
Lousy! 差劲!
Darn it. 是在可恨
Play fair! 公平点!
It's not fair. 这不公平。
It is unfair. 这不公平。
That is unjust. 这不公平。
It's dull! 真没意思!
It's terrible. 真糟糕。
It's disgusting. 真讨厌,真恶心
It's for the birds! 真差劲/毫无价值!
You made it even worse. 你让事情变得更糟。
You are more a trouble than a help. 你帮了倒忙。
You're so lame! 你真笨!
You are so strong-willed. 你太固执了。
I'm not satisfied. 我不满意。
I'm afraid I have a complaint about the service. 我对你们的服务有意见。
I'm afraid I have a complaint about the service. 我对你们的服务有意见。
I have something to complain of the service. 我对你们的服务有些意见。
I'm very unhappy with your restaurant service. 我对你们的餐厅服务十分不满。
I can't stand her. 我受不了她/我不能忍受她。
I'm really tired of the same old story. 我真受不了这些老掉牙的故事。
I've had enought of it! 我已经受够了!
It really annoys me. 真太烦人了。
Don't get in my hair. 别烦我了。
It's a pain to get along with a fellow like him. 跟他这样的人相处真讨厌。
It's such a chore to do the shopping every day! 每天上街买东西真烦人!
That's too much. 太过分了。
That's enough! 够了!
That's boring! 真讨厌!
This is the last straw. 我再也忍不下去了。
You are a menace. 你这人真讨厌。
Your behavior really turns me off. 你的行为让我很反感。
You can't do this to me. 你不能这么对我。
What do you want from me? 你到底想让我怎样?
What do you really asking me to do? 你到底要我做什么?
Why didn't you say so? 为什么不早说?
He's all thumbs. 他笨手笨脚。
How can you be so stubborn! 你怎么那么死脑筋!
Time is always against us. 时间总跟我们作对。
Time set itself against us. 时间跟我们作对。
Time opposed to us. 时间跟我们作对。
I'm fed up with life in the city. 我对城市生活厌倦透了。
Don't bother me, I'm already fed up. 别烦我,我已经厌恶至极了。

Stop complaining! 别抱怨了!
Stop shouting! 别大声嚷嚷!
Stop nagging! 别唠叨了!
You always complain. 你总是抱怨。
You are always grumbling about everything. 你总是抱怨。
You always have some moan or another about everything. 你总是对每件事都抱怨。
Get off my back. 少跟我唠叨/别烦我
I'm railing against fate. 我在抱怨命运不好。
I repines at my misfortune. 我埋怨我的不幸。
I murmurs at my bad luck. 我念叨我的运气不好。

If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. 如果你不喜欢某件事,就去改变它;如果你不能改变它,就改变你的态度。不要抱怨。